Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We've Seen Better Days...But We're Hangin in There

Here the guys are playing. Camden just attacked Caelan with kisses. So many kisses. Caelan is being very tolerant here.

Caelan and Camden are getting better. You can just tell by Cam's eyes here that he is not feeling 100%. Despite his sickness, he is still getting into EVERYTHING. He can get anywhere he wants. He doesn't quite crawl, but he rolls and scoots to everything. It's definitely been challenging when I've been trying to get things done. Caelan is serenading Kally with his guitar in one picture, and Camden is playing with her on the other.

In the highchair picture, Camden is enjoying a banana. He loves them, even when he's sick. And Caelan just has a sweet smile.

Boys playing by the fire we light when we're all home together at the end of the week in an attempt to save on the heating bill.

I stayed home with the boys when they were sick, and Caelan took me to his church. He's currently sitting in the pew in this picture. He's about to give his sermon. The last funny picture is us playing. He made me the fireman with his sunglasses. He was a singer. I'm not sure how we fit together, but we all ended up in his church later.

Camden just looks like he should have been born this way. He has a pretty good grasp on the football for a 7 1/2 month old.

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