Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Just Love These Guys

We had a great morning on Saturday. After running and biking at Lake Zorinsky, we had to cool off somehow. We decided to be productive by washing the car and truck. The guys helped for awhile, but then I got them a tub of water and they were entertained for 15 minutes without leaving that spot.

It Finally Quit Raining!

So the guys and I went to the park. We were soaking once we left, but we had a great time. It's amazing to me that a year ago I had to watch Caelan carefully on every attempt at anything, and now he is just on auto pilot. Camden is also not scared of all. He was going down slides by himself and crawling up stairs. We had some fun here.

My Phone Does Cool Things

Here are three action shots of my little scientist. He's studying bugs.

My Little Scholar

Camden loves books. Not just like Caelan loved books. Caelan loved to pull them all off of the shelves and wouldn't stop until they were all off, Camden looks inside for their messages. (To be fair to Caelan, he LOVES to read now, but he didn't at Camden's age.) Anyway, Camden prefers touch and feel books or books with animal sounds (he's getting really good at the owl), but this is his favorite. It's a monster book. It's fitting.

Roller Skating

On Wednesday, we went roller skating with our neighbors. It was a blast. For an hour and a half they taught kiddos how to skate. Camden couldn't wear skates yet, but he could rock out to the ABC's and Itsy Bitsy Spider and walk around. It felt wrong being at a skating rink without hearing 80s hair bands but we made it through. They did limbo, bear hunt, snacks, etc. It was so much fun!

Tee Ball Practice

While at Caelan's practice, Camden does many workouts on the playground nearby. Here are his pull ups. He can't pull himself up all the way yet, but his suffocating grip on the bar is impressive. Here's another shot of Caelan at Culver's for Mommy's birthday ice cream after practice.

Bounce House

Our neighbors were given a FREE BOUNCE HOUSE. So, when it was still too rainy and cold to swim, we were getting energy out this way. What a GREAT play pen. I didn't get any far away shots, but these up close ones are great. Liberty (one of our neighbors) helps all of the little ones.

Bike Trails

Since Mommy has been off work and Daddy has been AT work and class so far this summer, the guys and I have been hitting the trails by ourselves. Here are some shots of Caelan taking a water break and Camden going for a ride in the stroller. On this day, Caelan biked three miles. He is almost getting what I mean by "stay to the right" as bikers pass very quickly.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Real Update!

Here are some random pics displaying what we've been up to. We played with Mia and the Riibes at the Old Market and Con Agra campus. You can see Camden and Mia were very busy. Lew had to keep Cam from jumping in the water. Not only does he have no fear, but he also loves water!

Caelan went to Tyler's birthday party at Fun Plex. They rode SO many rides and screamed on the roller coaster. After that, they ate some good food at Diary Queen and giggled...a lot. It was so fun.

The boys and I went to Culver's and the zoo. There are some random shots of that. Daddy has class double time in the summer, so we are always looking for fun things to do.

Caelan and neighbor Nick have been pals this summer. There's a shot of them eating cookies.

Of course, there is my favorite picture. I would title it, "Bellies." This was when we took the boys to the pool one Sunday and found out that Camden is a huge water baby and Caelan loves water slides.

Oh, and Mom, Kally and I took a trip to Lexington, Kentucky to visit Kally's future college. I had to get a picture of the stadium for Lew. We are all now Wildcat fans by default!
Good times!