Sunday, August 16, 2009

Random Kid Pictures

Well, school has started, so I'm just going to be posting huge chunks of pictures! :-) There are so many here. Caelan, now four, is practicing being a good big brother, friend, and neighbor in a few of these pictures. There is a picture of his name, which he can write when he is in the mood. He is such a good big brother recently. He helps Cam with anything and is always patient when his rowdy little brother is not so nice OR quiet. :-)

As for Camden, he is almost 18 months old. We kicked the pacifier habit and are now trying to kick the saying "no" and screaming/crying habit. He is very strong willed, very smart and super cute. All of these traits make him extremely potent. He is 29 pounds and 32 inches tall. He still loves books, his puppies and his brother. He needs mommy quite a bit, and loves it when daddy tickles him. He started a new daycare, and he really loves it. He can say so many words, but his animals sounds are his specialty. He can properly tell you what sounds are made by a rooster, cow, duck, chicken, horse, bee, fly, puppy, cat, mouse, lady bug, bunny (those two are funny), and owl. It's a good time and he'll do it on command. I do really miss my guys when I am at work, but they are having a great time with their new social lives.