Sunday, April 27, 2008

Camden in the Swing

Cam is just as happy as Caelan was in the swing. :-)

Caelan Pictures

The older one was Caelan before church today. The younger one is Caelan one month old NOT enjoying the swing. :-) He looks a little like Camden.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Baby Mohawk

The back of Camden's head is interesting. We think it's mohawkish.

Good Times

Camden's first "full dip" bath. He LOVED it. No cries this time. :-) Notice our little professional bather helping with the wash cloth.

Rock a Bye Camden

After giving Camden a bath, Caelan insisted on rocking Camden while singing "Rock a Bye Camden". It was pretty adorable. Camden was crying because of extreme hunger and stopped to snuggle up and listen to Caelan sing. This melted me a bit! :-)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Camden Joins the Grill Out Experience

It's almost too exciting for him.

Action Shots

Our little landscaper


We went to the Earth Day celebration Saturday (shamefully in our gas-guzzling Jeep) and met up with good friends Katie and Jason. Caelan and Katie switched sunglasses for this adorable picture. They also got him his "Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle" shirt shown here. Then, there is Caelan and Mom under the tree in the "forest." It was such a fun day at the park.

Saturday, April 19, 2008


We just love our smiley man. He loves his daddy so much. :-)

Caelan Shots

The first shot is "like father/grandfather, like son" as he finds that the calculator is fun. The one that looks like he's tackling Daddy are the guys actually fake sleeping. Finally, check out the mega organization of the colors of cars here. He does this himself. That trait also must come from Daddy's side.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I had some tired guys for daycare this morning. It was Camden's first day, so we had to break out the statement T. Caelan was proud to show off his brother and take care of him all day while Mommy went to get her hair cut. The naked shot is Camden last night getting ready for bed. He doesn't look tired there!

Cute Boys!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Windy Day at the Park

We made it out to Ellie and Brynn's park the last "real" day of mom's time with the boys before she returns to work. It was about the windiest day we've ever experienced, but we didn't let that ruin our fun. The kids ate a picnic lunch, played at the park and went on a scavenger hunt that Ellie's mommy created. It was such a good time!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Same Pose...I Know

He's growing so much. If he could only keep that pacifier in his mouth at night, we'd all sleep much better! We are used to it now, though, and he's REALLY smiley at night. I tried to get a picture of the smile in the last one but was too early or too late, who knows at this point. :-)

Ty's Debut!

On Monday, Gena and Ty came over to play with us! We had so much fun. The boys played with the soft darts for about an hour up and down the stairs. They were VERY tired after that game. Next it was onto the ball and then the tool bench. Caelan and Mommy both had a really good time. We think Camden did as well since he slept on Gena for the entire time they were at our house. :-)

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Extreme Cheese

I think someone is tired of posing for all of these pictures. Can you see the sarcasm in this smile? Too bad! :-) Mom is on maternity leave for four more days. I've got to take them now!